Dear Dave:
I write to you on very special stationery (RB Price Jr. engraved notecard), one that provides a bridge through history to connect an inspiring moment of charity, some 37 years ago., with another of equal magnanimity and love.
It is a great pleasure to acknowledge your momentous gift on the same paper which R.B. Price penned his desire to bring hope and aid to the citizens of Boone County. He provided the initial example of an unselfish, charitable act and how it could transform a community. You have, with a stroke of a pen, brought a newfound momentum to RB’s vision, a broader, more inclusive horizon and the excitement of a challenge to us all to be better citizens and participate in the lives of others. You are the new example and you set a high standard.
You epitomize the essence of a gentleman, a man who lives his life richly – not by the count of coins in his pocket, but by the tally of friends and people he has touched. Winston Churchill said, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” I am inspired by the life you lead.
I thank you for this incredible, munificent act of kindness and benevolence. It is an inspiration to all. I am honored to be associated with you and your wise counsel and to be known as your friend. RB would too.
With warm regards,
Robbie Price